
Showing posts from April, 2020

Why we Love things, use people!!

It might sound counter intuitive, but things were actually made to be used, and people to be loved. But today, we love things, use people. How did we arrive here!! 1. Things can't hurt us in ways like people can. 2. Things will be there for you when you need them, people won't. 3. Things aren't thinking about you, they do not assess or judge you.

The paradox of privacy

Living with my parents, I never forgot to bolt the lock of my room's door; Living alone, I remember to not shut the door, leaving it ajar purposefully..

Why a well read man is a well bred man.

Poetry, drama & literature are like vaccines; They innoculate you to face the dreadful vagaries of our lives.

Struggle to sleep can be as challenging as struggle to survive.

Insomnia like loneliness can either be a blessing or curse depending upon who opted for it.